Friday, February 19, 2010

Pregnancy And Sailing Hcg Levels In Early Pregnancy ?

Hcg levels in early pregnancy ? - pregnancy and sailing

Ladies top, just my first BFP by the 2nd IVF cycle, and I know someone who has had a BFP.

what levels of hCG when he learned
How many of you DPD
one, two, etc. etc. babie

and if you start with a high level generally display a pregnancy before the wind.



realitys... said...

Happy Birthday Mom!

Mine was 109 in 9DP transfer 5 days (14dpo) and more than double, two days later. It was a singleton. My two good friends who is pregnant with twins, both had at least 200 of 9DP 5DT. I also met some who, with a very low and started having a successful pregnancy. The most important thing is that your first double issue. Well, yes. In most cases, a prime number is a strong indicator of a healthy pregnancy. Here is a good site to enter your number in connection

Beanie Grow Grow!

SPGASS said...

I have learned the letters, but I think anything over 25 shows in pregnancy and in truth, he should continue to double every 48-72h


I threw a baby DUST YOUR WAY

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